Wednesday, June 3, 2009

An Adventure with da Baum and Annicka!

So today is the last day of school and really you don't have to go to classes because all the teachers are sick of everybody and everything. So today after Whitney (da Baum) and I had English we pondered of what we could possibly do because our psych teacher told us to not bother coming to class. So we pondered and pondered and decided to go to this one park across the street from our school. We originally had planned going to this park but my brother last night told me that it was a stoner park where all these kids sluff and get high and stuff like that. I told Whitney about this and she wasn't sure if we should still go but we talked to our other friend Annicka about it and she thought we should still go for an adventure. 
On our way there we were talking about the stoner kids and Annicka told us how they go behind this white building in the park. I was confused for a second because I never remembered a white building being there. We got to the park and suddenly there was the white building! We went to some bleachers to sit and talk for while. After a little talking and randomly dancing to Annicka's i-pod we decided to go check out the white building. 
We walked over there and kinda got scared because this building is pretty sketchy. It is a white building with blue trim and the windows have this yellowy cloth in them. We checked out the back to make sure there were no stoners behind there and then continued walking back to where we were sitting. Instead of walking all the way back though we decided to walk around the white building and walk back to school a different way. When we approached the other side of the building we noticed a weird emblum thingy and saw that is said Lions International. We wondered what the heck Lions International was but continued our walk back to school. 
On our walk back we heard a bunch of crickets and Annicka named it cricket central because there were so many. We made it back to school in all in one piece and then I went to math for a little bit with Whitney and she and our friend Amanda ended up doing my makeup! 
In all it has been quite the adventure filled day, and I can't wait for the traditions assembly still to come and to go to the Yearbook stomp! Yay! 
Okay that is all for now because I probably have talked for way too long! 
Love you 


Whitney Baum said...

This was a wonderful representation of our amazing adventure. I really loved it. Truly I did. :) and we'll have to add pictures of our amazing adventure later... when i put them on my computer. :)

Audrey said...

Yes yes! That is a great plan!