Friday, January 29, 2010

whoa this is awesome!!

I got this Windows live writer thing that lets me post to my blog right on it without going to my blog page or anything!!! WHOA!! Is what I say! ha ha. So this week has had its ups and downs its not really been the most exciting week ever pretty boring. Then on top of it I have a ton of homework and collage scholarships to finish. But hey, that’s life. can’t always be perfect right?

So soon when I have a lot more time I am going to post an epic blog post, but until then posts like this is all you people are going to get. :P

I need to get out and go somewhere with friends or somebody and take some cool pictures with my camera. I see all the pictures my friends take and wonder why I am not doing it. I mean I have a camera now, so why have I not used it to its full potential yet??

I want some new music on my i-pod cause I am getting sick of the same old songs that are on mine. But there are two problems: 1. I don’t have i-tunes money. 2. There are many songs I like that I want to buy off i-tunes but I also want some new stuff. So if you have any music that you just love, that you think I gotta hear let me know!!!

Ha ha okay well that's the end of this little tirade, sorry to bore you.

Good quote of the moment: Boys are so confusing. I don't know why they say Venus and Mars. I mean, Mars and Venus at least have something in common they're planets. It's more like Mars and a bowl of soup.


Emilee said...

ha aud, you crack me up! yes boys are confusing....lets see, new music? just ingrid michaelson.. but you already knew that :)

Audrey said...

your little title picture thingy is so adorable! xoxo

Whitney Baum said...

Your quote is SO true! :)