Monday, August 18, 2008

Start of School

I can't believe that school starts in a week from today! It is so crazy, it seriously has felt that this summer has only been like a week long! I am not sure how I feel about this coming school year, in some ways it will be really fun to see everyone again and go to school activities. In many ways though, it is going to be extremly hard. With the start of the major ib classes I will be taking I am going to have to be studying a whole lot more this year, and working twice as hard. Though I am excited for dance both at school and at Virgina Tanner that will be starting up. (Audrey I hope you have signed up this year!) No I did not just talk to myself, I am talking to my other friend Audrey. Anyway, I hope ya'll are okay with school starting, it is kind-of excitng, who knows what the new year will bring along! Feel free to write what your schedules are like or what you are nervous or excited for in this upcoming, very fastly approaching school year, in my comments! Have a great year everybody!

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Really Audrey, you should stop talking to yourself! Goodness! Ha ha

Of course i have signed up for dance! Its going to be so much fun! YAY!